
Redis Transactions in Spring Enabled Applications

Thanks to the Spring Data Redis project‘s “Redis Repositories” support, it is much easier to manage domain objects within Redis datastore. Redis Repositories also provides support for custom mapping and secondary indexes. Unfortunately, Redis Repositories stuff doesn’t work with “Redis Transactions”. If you want to make use of Redis Transactions and synchronize your Redis database […]

Kafka Transactions in Spring Enabled Applications

Kafka’s transactions are very suitable for scenarios that have a read-process-write pattern. It will be enough to add the following property definition in your application in order to enable Kafka transactions while you are working with Spring Boot and Kafka. When Spring Boot notices transaction-id-prefix, Spring Boot AutoConfiguration feature enables KafkaTransactionManager bean within the ApplicationContext. […]

Feature Interaction Problems and Spring Security

Feature interaction problem is something that features work smoothly and without any problem in your system individually; however, problems arise with those features when you bring them together. Bertrand Meyer has recently published his thoughts about the topic as well. While reading on it, I’ve come to realize that Spring Security has several similar issues […]

Weird Rollback Behavior of Spring TestContext Framework

One of the nice features of TestContext module of Spring Application Framework is its ability to run unit tests within a transaction context. By that way, you are able to both execute your persistence operations which usually expect an active transaction to run, and also rollback state changes occur during execution of these persistence operations […]

Activating Authorization Success Event Publish Feature

Spring Security publishes various authentication and authorization events during its security checks. Spring managed beans which implement ApplicationListener interface or beans with methods annotated with @EventListener can consume those events within the application. One of those security related events is AuthorizedEvent which indicates that user request is allowed to access secure web resource. It is, […]

Enabling Acegi (1)

We have decided to use Acegi Security Framework in order to implement security requirements in our web based project, but might possibly have diverse security requirements, in addition to form based authentication and role based authorization, such as remoting support, domain object security, run-as capability, SSO, after invocation security, certificate based authentication which is integrated […]