
Moving libraries of web apps into shared folder

If you plan to move repeating libraries of your several web applications depend on, to a shared folder of your application server, I would definitely say NO! to this request. One of my clients asked me about to centralise such repeating libraries into a shared folder. Actually, I had written another blog post in which […]

Spring ve Tapestry’de IoC Yaklaşımları 2

İlk bölümde Spring ve Tapestry Framework’lerini IoC container oluşturma kabiliyetleri ve bağımlılıkların enjekte edilmesi konuları üzerinde durmuştuk. Bu bölümde ise kaldığımız yerden bean’ların scope yönetimi ile devam edelim. Scope Yönetimi Tapestry’de varsayılan olarak servisler’in scope’u Spring’de de olduğu gibi Singleton olarak belirlenmektedir. Yani servis için tek bir instance yaratılmakta ve tüm threadler bu instance’i kullanmaktadır. […]

Approaches to Integrate Web and Swing Applications

It was about 8 or 9 years ago when many enterprise applications were being developed using Swing for their presentation layer, and web start was the common tool to distribute and run those applications from a central location. Among the reasons for preferring Swing as UI technology, rich and complex UI requirements were the most […]

Configuring web.xml According to Target Deployment Platform

It is a very common requirement to configure JEE web applications according to their current runtime environment. In JEE, web.xml file is aimed to be the configuration unit of those web applications. Unfortunately, it is not designed with such a requirement in mind. For example, we use JSF and Facelets in our current project. In […]

What If Your Application is Accessed With Two Different IPs

We have recently deployed one of our projects into production environment. Our customer is located abroad and we perform deployments, our acceptance tests over Internet, and they use the system within their local network by accessing it from a fake IP, like 192.x.x.x. In other words, our system is accessed from two different networks. The […]

Dealing with HTTP Response Redirects within Oracle Web Cache Deployed Environments

I don’t think there exists an application which doesn’t make use of HttpServletResponse’s sendRedirect method. Even your application doesn’t directly depend on it, I am sure you have one or more frameworks which heavily make use of it. In one of our projects we installed Oracle Web Cache to compress HTTP responses generated by our […]

How to Attach Zipped Content While Sending Mail

One of the things I most like about Spring is its approach in bringing a high level, easy to understand and use interface and configurability to several gradually lower level APIs of Java, such as JavaMail, JMS, JNDI and so on. Several days ago, a collegue of mine asked me whether I had any experience […]

Jar Library Is Here, So Why Am I Still Getting java.lang.NoSuchMethodError?

Then it means that either you have more than one version of that jar library, or there are another jar library which contains a class with that problematic method with exactly same signature. The first case usually happens when you copy your jars into your lib folders with their keeping version suffixes. Stripping of version […]

Acegi-JSF 1.1.3 is released

It was over one year ago that Çağatay developed some JSF components which correspond to Acegi JSP taglib. We were in the same project at that time, and were using Acegi Security Framework extensively. Later, our ways were separated and we focused on different tasks. Recently, I started work on a new project to enable […]