
Redis Transactions in Spring Enabled Applications

Thanks to the Spring Data Redis project‘s “Redis Repositories” support, it is much easier to manage domain objects within Redis datastore. Redis Repositories also provides support for custom mapping and secondary indexes. Unfortunately, Redis Repositories stuff doesn’t work with “Redis Transactions”. If you want to make use of Redis Transactions and synchronize your Redis database […]

Kafka Transactions in Spring Enabled Applications

Kafka’s transactions are very suitable for scenarios that have a read-process-write pattern. It will be enough to add the following property definition in your application in order to enable Kafka transactions while you are working with Spring Boot and Kafka. When Spring Boot notices transaction-id-prefix, Spring Boot AutoConfiguration feature enables KafkaTransactionManager bean within the ApplicationContext. […]

Spring Boot & JSPs in Executable JARs

Nowadays almost everyone employ their favorite JS based framework while developing their dynamic web applications. There are dozens of client and server side UI frameworks around there, and you can be sure that you are going to be criticized about your choice it doesn’t matter which one you chose. Some will ask why it is […]

Weird Rollback Behavior of Spring TestContext Framework

One of the nice features of TestContext module of Spring Application Framework is its ability to run unit tests within a transaction context. By that way, you are able to both execute your persistence operations which usually expect an active transaction to run, and also rollback state changes occur during execution of these persistence operations […]

Observations about OData and Spring Data REST

Recently I had a chance to spend some time reading about OData and experiment with Apache OLingo Project in order to understand what OData provides us with in terms of making our REST services more standardized and self discoverable. I also compared it with Spring Data REST Project, what are their similarities and differences, whether […]

Factory Method Pattern Implementation of Spring: FactoryBean

Factory method pattern aims to encapsulate object creation process within a separate method in your system. That’s why it is called as so. Factory methods can be created as either static or instance methods within a class. In Spring Application Framework, although it is possible to make use of static or instance factory methods to […]

A Slight Difference Between Autowire byType and constructor

Spring documentation states that both autowire byType and constructor modes expect at most one bean definition in the ApplicationContext, so that it can be autowired into the depending bean. Here is the excerpt taken from Spring Reference Documentation Table 6.2. Autowiring modes; byType Allows a property to be autowired if exactly one bean of the […]

A Transaction Gotcha When Using Spring with Hibernate

Spring’s transaction propagation rule SUPPORTS states that if there exists a transaction when the method is called, it should work within that transaction, otherwise it should work outside any transaction. Similarly, transaction propagation rule NOT_SUPPORTED states that if there exists any active transaction when the method is called, that active transaction should be suspended before […]

How to Switch from One DB Instance to Another at Runtime

Sometimes we may need to switch from one db instance from another during runtime. Actually this is very easy if you are using Spring and DataSource API in order to obtain DB connections. Lets look at our solution for such a requirement. Our solution lays on “proxy pattern“. Spring provides us with ProxyFactoryBean so that […]